ReSharper 4.1 Context Actions

ReShaper 4.1にはカーソルのある場所に応じてさまざまなアクションを選択することができるが、その一覧。

ReSharperのオプションのContext Actionsから抜粋。オプション内で項目を選択すると、詳細な説明が表示される。


Add another accessor
Add explicit name of anonymous property
Annotate method with ‘value can be null’ attribute
Annotate method with ‘value cannot be null’ attribute
‘catch’ to catch(Exception)’
‘catch(Exception)’ to ‘catch’
Change member visibility
Check if parameter is null
Check if reference is not null
Check if variable is null
Concatenate string
Convert ‘==’ to ‘Equals’
Convert anonymous method to lambda
Convert coalescing operator to ternary
Convert ‘Equals’ to ‘==’ operator
Convert explicit to implicit implementation
Convert ‘foreach’ to ‘for’ loop
Convert ‘if’ statement to ‘switch’ statement
Convert ‘if’ statement to ternary expression
Convert implicit to explicit interface implementation
Convert instance ‘Equals’ to static ‘Equals’
Convert lambda body with single return statement to expression
Convert lambda expression body to body with single return statement
Convert lambda to anonymous delegate
Convert LINQ to methods chain
Convert ‘switch’ statement to ‘if’ statement
Convert ternary expression to ‘if’ statement
Convert ternary to coalescing operator
Copy comments from base
Create derived type
Create event invocator
Create named type from anonymous
Create overload without parameter
Create return from expression statement
Extract anonymous method to method of the containing type
Implement abstract member
Implement custom event accessors
Initialize auto property from constructor parameter
Initialize field from constructor parameter
Inline as anonymous type action
Inline method body as anonymous delegate
Inline method body as lambda
Insert anonymous method signature
Introduce variable from expression statement
Invert ‘if’ statement
Invert ternary condition
Iterate via ‘foreach’
Join local variable declaration and assignment
Join string literals
Make abstract member virtual
Make method partial
Make file name with type name
Merge nested ‘if’ statements
merge partial method declarations
Merge partial type declarations
Move declaration(s) to another type part
Move initialization to constructor(s)
Move to outer scope
Move type to another file to match its name
Override virtual member
Put inside ‘using’ construct
Remove #region, #endregion directives
Remove braces
Replace ArrayList with List<T>
Replace auto property with backing field
Replaces explicit type specification with ‘var’
Replaces ‘var’ with explicit type declaration
Reverse assignment statement
Specify array type explicitly
Split declaration list
Split ‘if’ with ‘&&’-condition into nested ‘if’-statements
Split ‘if’ with ‘||’-condition into assignment to temporary variable and tow ‘if’-statements
Split local variable declaration and assignment
Split ‘return’ with ‘&&’-condition into guarding ‘if’ and ‘return’
Split ‘return’ with ‘||’-condition into assignment to temporary variable, ‘if’-statement and ‘return’
Split string literal
Split variable into several ones
Surround with format
To assignment statements
Use Add() method calls
Use collection initializer
Use object initializer
Use string.IsNullOrEmpty method


Add module qualification
Convert attribute to nested element
Convert CData to text
Convert tag to attribute
Convert text to CData
Make empty tag
Replace all attributes
Replace all tags
Replace tag
Split tag


このサイトはスパムを低減するために Akismet を使っています。コメントデータの処理方法の詳細はこちらをご覧ください